Port Alberni City (1)
Comments from the forum - 1
Thanks for posting the picture of the Port Alberni City arriving in Vancouver.
I was actually on the ship when the pic was taken. Wish I could find my old log book, but I seem to remember Danny Trigg was C/E, PJ Prendegast 2/E, Dave Simons 3/E and Chris Lee 4/E, Nick Padfield was leckie. Unfortunately don't recall the deck officers or anyone else.
Met my wife onboard at a party. Padfield just happened to have the phone number of the VGH nurses residence!
Who would have thought then that I would be viewing that picture 25+ years later living not too far away in Ladner and married to Leanne!! Carl Broughton. Posted on Forum 20th January 2010.
I was the Radio Officer on Port Alberni City Xmas 1973 that tried to organise a trip for the children to see the vessel when in Nanaimo. Unfortunately we arrived as the school ended term so we only managed to get a song played over the local Nanaimo Radio Station. We sent some info and pictures which I hope you all received. Not sure if you will remember this.
I have a tape of the song by the children and will always remember "Port Alberni thats where I long to be!"
A few years ago I took my wife over to see Vancouver and Vancouver Island but we again never managed to fit in a trip to Port Alberni - this was an anniversary trip as during the 1973 visit I proposed over the telelphone from Vancouver dockside. We married in Autumn 74.
We made some Canadian friends in 1973 in Nanaimo but lost contact a couple of years later and unfortunately when we returned I could not find the street as everything had changed so much from my last visit. David Edge. Posted on Forum 8th October 2011.
Ours was on the Port Alberni City 12th July – 28th Sept 1976. I recall spending a few days in a nice hotel in Singapore and doing some people watching in Boogie Street with Pete Roberts and Legs Diamond.
8th July arr Singapore, 12th July joined ship at anchor sailed for Kobe, 15th July turned tail from typhoon Teresa, 19th July arr Nagoya, 20th July sailed for Mitsushima, 21st July arr Mitsushima, 22nd sailed for West coast US, 4th Aug arr Watson Island, 6th Aug sailed for Crofton VI, 8th Aug arr Crofton, 11th Aug was in a car smash, sailed & arr Vancouver, alongside Prince Rupert City, 14th PRC left, 22nd Aug depart Vancouver for Dublin, (23rd Aug pass Indian City they were bound for New Westminster with cars then they were bound for LA and pay off), (31st Aug pass Tacoma City, they were bound for LA on steel service then Crofton for timber), 2nd Sept arr Balboa, 4th Sept cleared Cristobal, 14th Sept encountered the yacht Nispuk from Silt Lyst in distress – she had sailed from New York after the Tall Ships and had run out of food etc. Capt Boyer brought PAC alongside and rendered assistance (no mean feat in the swell!), 16th Sept arr Dublin 17th Sept my wife Dana and daughters Emma and Carrie joined for the coast, 25th Sept Carrie has 4th birthday & party onboard (she managed to have quite a few birthdays on-board) much to Emma's disgust because she never did manage one. I must dig out the photos of you with the birthday cake etc. 27th Sept my father-in-law died so we paid off early and flew home.
Captain B.A.G. Boyer & his wife Marian,
C/O: Dave Ellis,
2/O: Jack Ross,
3/O: Pete Roberts,
R/O: Dave Short,
J/R/O: Garry Watts,
C/E: Bryan Draper,
2/E: Diamond (legs),
Cat/O: Leighton Seabrooke. Garry Watts. Posted on Forum 4th January 2013.
Disclaimer: The statements on this page are the views of the person who posted them on the forum. The events took place many years ago and in most cases rely on those people's memories, and so we cannot guarantee the accuracy although every effort is made to check it.
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