Built in 1910 by Gray of West Hartlepool for London and Northern Steamship Co.Ltd
4151 gt: LBP 117.0m: Beam 16.3m: service speed 10.0kts
1910 |
Escrick, London and Northern Steamship Co.Ltd., London. |
1917 |
Escrick, Pyman, Watson & Co.Ltd, London. |
1917 |
Escrick, St Just Steamship Co. Ltd, London. |
1918 |
Torpedoed and sunk by U-90 in 46.42N:16.10W on 16th August, on passage, in ballast, from Bordeaux to Montreal. |
No photo available but this is the Madras City (1) which was the sister ship of the Escrick. |