Doug Cummins

Let me introduce myself as a former RSL Deck Cadet then latterly 3rd Mate.

I joined RSL in 1970 and remained with the company till 1977, having obtained my 2nd Mate's ticket, then the lure of the oil industry came over the horizon, while up for 1st Mate's, I subsequently left to pursue a career , albeit only planned for a couple of years, which now extends to nearly 33 years in the patch.

Over the years,thanks to the internet and word of mouth from a present day long time friend ( Phil Godding, a former RSL 2/O) I have been in touch with a few former acquaintances & former RSL employees, both home & overseas.
Phil also disappeared into the oil patch after leaving the MN.

I have had several conversations with John Gardiner,(Lecky) who coaxed me into writing this note to say hello.

I can see from previous posts that there are many names of people I have sailed with , in addition I have had responses on Ship's Nostalgia from Dave Ricketts & Capt Cann, which were most welcomed.

Between 1970-1977 I sailed on Atlantic City, Houston City, Cornish City (twice), Prince Rupert City (twice), Vancouver City, Chiyoda, Indian City, and Cardiff City. Not necessarily in that order.

I have progressed in the oil game, working my way up to the lofty position of OIM (Offshore Installation Manager), for last 16 years on various jack up rigs throughout the world.
There is a link with RSL however, as I was on a newbuild rig that was delivered on a Russian carrier (Transhelf) to Halifax, Nova Scotia, and there was an insurance gentleman came on board for the offloading and rig move out to the hostile waters of Sable Island (sometimes known as the graveyard of the Atlantic).
This "fellow" (to quote old Chief Sukie) was none other than Captain Tony Crowther, whom I had never sailed with, but was acquainted with his name.
The lamps started swinging as soon as we found out that we were both ex Smith's men. All sorts of stories prevailed along with names from the past.
The move wen well & Tony departed to BC where I see he still lives.
A small world indeed.

I will add a few names that I can recall sailing with, in addition to those already mentioned above.
Mike Bellamy (sailed with him on his honeymoon trip), Pete Baverstock, Paul Bidmead, Wally Hutchings (both cadets on Atlantic City),Capt Griffith-Jones, Bill Hereward (radio op), Billy Hopper, Evan Walmsley, the late John Ashley (one of life's real characters),the late Capt Brian Jones , there are many more but the memory needs a jog. Doug Cummins. Posted on forum 8th December 2009.