Welsh City (2)

Comments from the forum - 2

  16/03/62 - 16/11/62 17/11/62 - 20/04/63 25/04/63 - 14/02/64
Master Syd Leebetter Barty Parkhouse Barty Parkhouse
C/O Mervyn Davies John White n/k
2/O Eddie Roberts From Estonia ? Ray McNulty
3/O Mal Gidden J J Kalnins n/k
C/E Berty Lester Berty Lester Berty Lester
2/E Eric Poingdestre Eric Poingdestre Eric Poingdestre
3/E Ken Green Ken Green Ken Green
4/E Jim Kemp Colin Gateshill Colin Gateshill
J/E Colin Gateshill Gordon Ridley John Howell
J/E Gordon Ridley n/k Jim Wort
J/E Robbie Gemmill n/k Arthur Graham
Elec John Draper From Teeside? Tony from Swansea
R/O Stan Whitmore First trip and left John Matthews
C/S Leo Slawinski Charlie Conway Charlie Conway
App Mick Chinn n/k n/k
App Nigel Rodgers n/k n/k
App D Dollings n/k n/k
App Chadwick n/k n/k

16/03/62 - 16/11/62.  Sunderland,- Cape Verde Is (b) - Rosario, B Aires - Durban (b) - Colombo (b) - Moji, Yokohama - P Bukom (b) - Assab - P Bukom (b) - Niigata, Fushiki - Moji (b) - Newcastle NSW - Beira - Port Elizabeth - Glasgow.
17/11/62 - 20/04/63.  Glasgow - Falmouth (M Eng. exh repairs) - Dakar (b) - Durban - P Bukom (b) - Shimizu, Yokohama - Wallaroo SA, Portland Vic. - Aden (b) - Brake, Leith.  
25/04/63 - 14/02/64.   Leith - Pascagoula - Aden (b) - Madras, Calcutta - ( Shipping Corp of India charter :-  Chittagong,  P Swettenham, Singapore, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Geelong, Melbourne, Adelaide, Fremantle, Trincomalee, Madras, Calcutta, P. Bukom (b) - Fremantle - Aden (b) - Belfast, Hull.      Pay Off.
(b) = bunker port.
Colin Gateshill. Sent by email 18 April 2012.

Jim Wort and I left Welsh City in East London. We got a very raucus send of from the Welsh City as we sailed aboard RMS Windsor Castle to pick up the New Westminster City in Capetown. First class too. NO DBS for us. We sat on the chief engineers table and grinned to ourselves every night at dinner when there was an inquisition shared by the master and chief as to who could possibly be on board and connected with that Tramp Ship!!!!!
Jim Wort moved out to Hong Kong and ran his own business there. John Howell. Posted on forum 20 April 2012.

Disclaimer: The statements on this page are the views of the person who posted them on the forum. The events took place many years ago and in most cases rely on those people's memories, and so we cannot guarantee the accuracy although every effort is made to check it.

Welsh City. Page [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
Memories from RSL staff. Page No. [1] [2] [3] [4]