The Birthday Fancy Dress Party all those years ago when Julie Roberts and David Thomson shared the same birthday on the same date. The celebration was held on 25th July 1976. |
R-L: J Birsdale (D/C), J Fitzsimmons (C/E), K Roberts (Elect), H Gale (2/O), unknown, T Graham-Russell (2/E), unknown (2/Elect), M Perritt, P Davies (J/E), D Thomson (R/O),
A Hobin (4/E), R Vanner (Capt)
Front R-L: Tricia Thomson, Julie Roberts |
Caroline Vanner, Tricia Thomson, Julie Roberts, Jon Birsdale (Mobil D/C). |
Julie Roberts, Tricia Thomson, Joe Fitzsimmon, Caroline Vanner. |
Unrelated Twins
David Thomson & Julie Roberts, The Unrelated Twins, (Tex and Gromph in background).
All photographs copyright © David Thomson. |
These photos were also taken in 1976.
Birdsdale (D/C - Mobil), Andy Hobin (4/E), Trevor Graham-Russell (2/E). |

Pete Baverstock (C/O), Tricia Thomson, D Cumming (3/O). |
Harry Gale (2/O), Pete Baverstock (C/O), Tricia Thomson. |

Joe Fitzimmons (C/E) in full song.
All photographs copyright © David Thomson. |
Alex & Caroline (Dooty) Vanner with the Birthday cake. |