Devon City (4)
Clive Webber Cat/Off, Willie John, and George Ellerby. |
Phil Godding 2/E, centre with his “minders” Roy Tonks and Willie John. |

At anchor at Algiers. Hugh McLundie, Larry Fletcher, Willie John, Graham Griffiths, Tony Bruce-Smith, Colin French, Pete Budden |
Taking refreshments. Larry Fletcher, Tony Bruce-Smith, Colin French, Willie John, and Martin Staines |
Graham Griffiths, Colin French and Willie John. |
Relaxing on Deck during our 8 weeks at anchor off Algiers. Graham Griffths, Willie John, and Martin Staines |
In the bar with our pets. Willie John, Phill Godding and Pete Budden. |
All photos taken between June and November 1977.
All photographs copywrite © Willie John. |
Arriving in New York.
Roy Tonks, Phill Godding, Martin Staines and Willie John. |
Devon City. Page [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
Memories from RSL staff. Page No. [1]