Queen City (2) - page 5
Queen City 1960.
Junior Engineer Jimmy, Electrician, and 2nd Officer Derek Flower. |
P. Bukom Phemnel 1961.
N/k, Electrician, 2/O Derek Anthony, Ian Fraser, and Duncan Patterson. |
Queen City 1961.
Engineers and Apprentices Ian Fraser, Ralph Woodward, Peter Hemnel, and Duncan Patterson.
Unfortunately I can't remember the engineer's names but from the left it is 'Alec ?' (3/E - a scotsman), 'Jimmy' (E/E - Sunderland), 2/E (from the N.E somewhere) and 'Chick' (Jun/Eng - another Scotsman from Bathgate) then us apprentices as named. Cheers - Woody.
All photographs copyright © Ralph Woodward |
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