Orient City (3)
These photos supplied by Dave Davis. Can you help to name the unknown officers?
It has been suggested this is the Orient City in January 1970 as shown in the RSL Newsletter No.2 for January 1970 as all names are featured there.
Captain: J. S. Murray, C/O: D. L. Bell, 2/O: P. J. Warren, 3/O: P. C. Deschamps, R/O: S. G. Elloston, C/E: G. Murray, 2/E: B. Kirkley, 3/E: H. Burns, 4/E: M. B. Parrott, J/E: A.W.Warburton, J/E: K. Blunt, J. H. Davies, Elec: S. Cullinane, C/S: R. J. Jenkins, Nav Cadets: P.Matthews, R. M. Hewett, Engineer Cadet: D. Jennings.
001a. Dave Jennings on Gangway. |
001b |
001f: Kelvin Blunt, Sean Cullinane, Ray Jenkins Chief steward, Dave Jennings, John Davies. The two front left not known. |
001d: Dave Jennings, John Davies, Kelvin Blunt, Ray Jennings, Hugh Burns 3rd Eng (just see the top of his head), lad in the black shirt Phil Mathews(?), Sean Cullinane. |
Above: 001e. Sean Cullinane, unknown, unknown, Dave Jennings,John Davies,Ray Jenkins sitting on bollard.
Right: 001c. From top: Hugh Burns, Kelvin Blunt, Dave Jennings. |
Orient City. Page [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Memories from RSL staff. Page No. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]