Cornish City (4)

Comments from the forum - 2

I served as Apprentice in "Cornish City" 12-03-56 to 15-05-57
"Bradford City" 24-06-57 to 17-02-58
"Vancouver City" 10-05-58 to 14-03-59
I am now in my 73rd year.
The Cornish's accommodation was, like the Houston's palatial in comparison to the Bradford's and the Vancouver's, it was identical to the Houston's on the after end of the boat deck; four nicely furnished single rooms, messroom, with noisy hot press, and bathroom. I did not know that the Houston's was refurbished DEMS accommodation, so now presume that the Cornish's was also.
When I joined the Bradford in DD at Tilbury,the cabin at the fwd end of the starboard alleyway, abaft No 3 had been refurbished, nicely as a two berth cabin and two Apps were situated on the lower bridge. The Vancouver was similarly altered.
On sailing from Tilbury, MGBT got me to lug the Skato Scaler up to the bridge in order to divest the telegraph from its many coats of wartime paint and reveal the brass. He was a great one for the brass and had me up polishing the whistle as a punishment on more than one occasion.
The ravages of the Skato Scaler on the telegraph left it with a peculiar mottled appearance. Vic Pitcher. Posted on forum 8 March 2011.

John Martin from Bargoed signed on the Cornish at Middlesbrough 08-08-56 and signed off in Birkenhead 07-05-57, taking in our sojourn at Cowes Roads (Suez Crisis) and our subsequent voyage commencing Barry-New Orleans-Kobe-Geraldton-UK.
I got the dates from the copies of the Articles I obtained from the archives held by Newfoundland University.
I had contacted John via the site mentioned by JLM, unfortunately his e-mail slipped into cyberspace when I changed my computer recently.
He was living in Cardiff when we were in touch.
The above voyage was the one when Chief Engineer C. A'Court was landed at Cebou (Philippines) terminally ill. Ch Eng W. McGuire from Ayr was sent to Geraldton. Vic Pitcher. Posted on forum 11 March 2011.

Disclaimer: The statements on this page are the views of the person who posted them on the forum. The events took place many years ago and in most cases rely on those people's memories, and so we cannot guarantee the accuracy although every effort is made to check it.

Cornish City. Page [1] [2] [3] [4]
Memories from RSL staff. Page No. [1] [2]