Cornish City (4)
Comments from the forum - 1
I sailed on the Cornish from April 1960 until November 1961 as apprentice and 3/Mate (Johnny Cann was 2/Mate from May 61).
I went on leave and took my 2/Mate's then joined the Cardiff City in Sunderland October 1962 (maiden voyage) after doing a short spell as 2/Mate on a coaster the "Windsorbrook".
A month later we were tied up at the foot of Canal Street in New Orleans for about a month (Dock strike).
During that time the Cornish went past on her way down from Baton Rouge to India with a load of grain.
We did the usual waving etc. to all on board...she only made it as far as Aden. Tony Crowther. Posted on forum 17 October 2009.
Tony has also sent a press cutting with an account of the enquiry into the engine room fire, and subsequent TCL of the Cornish City that occurred in Aden in 1962. The report comes from the Merchant Navy Journal dated Summer 1964. Click here.
In the 17 years I sat as a Magistrate,one of the most amazing things to happen to me was not Magisterial but Nautical!
As a background to the following,one should appreciate that, of the over 400 magistrates on the Nottingham Bench, I had to find myself sitting with this particular person.
Magistrates are selected at random, consequently one never knows who the other two might be.Also, as Tex will confirm,the Bench as a whole is populated with people from all walks of life.- Teachers, bus drivers, academics,clergy, miners etc.(and the odd seafarer!!)
On this particular day I found myself in the Retiring Room with an ex R.N. Officer so naturally we talked of things Nautical and in particular, fires in ships. Imagine my surprise when he recounted an experience he had had whilst in HMS Llandaff whilst in Aden! He was talking about the "Cornish City" He was in charge of one of the naval fire fighting parties put on board.
He subsequently forwarded me copies of the report sent to the Admiralty. He was also writing a book. The portion regarding the "Cornish City" incident, I found, contain some inaccuracies- he thought the ex "Empire Cheer" was the vessel engaged in the famous "Jervis Bay"/"Admiral Sheer" convoy. Although the "Cornish City" wore the flag of the convoy Commodore. Rear Admiral Maltby,she was NOT the vessel mentioned by this gentleman!! John Cann. Posted on forum 19 October 2009.
On the 48th anniversary of the fire in remembrance of the Engineers F Robinson and P Budge who tragically lost their lives. David Ricketts. Posted on forum 6 December 2010. Newspaper cutting supplied by John Martin. |
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Disclaimer: The statements on this page are the views of the person who posted them on the forum. The events took place many years ago and in most cases rely on those people's memories, and so we cannot guarantee the accuracy although every effort is made to check it.
Cornish City. Page [1] [2] [3] [4]Memories from RSL staff. Page No. [1] [2]