Bradford City (4)

Comments from the forum - 2

I was on the Bradford city as Deck boy/J.O.S. from 28.2.61 to 12.03.62. which was her last voyage
as a Rearden Smith ship. We started out from Falmouth in ballast to Housten Texas where we loaded grain and on the way down the Houston/Galveston canal we had a collision with some barges and subsequently were docked for repair to the bow section in Galveston. Does any one have any more details of this incident??I have tried LLoyds and also various newspapers in Galveston but cannot find any mention of it. Chris Gundry. Posted on forum 27 December 2011.

Thanks for finding our Forum, and for posting your interesting question. You have obviously already done some research into the incident aboard the Bradford City in the Houston Ship Canal, in 1961. Since I am currently working on an item about all four Bradford City’s that RSL owned, I have to hand some data on the last of them, Bradford City (4).
The following is a link to the US Court findings, in respect of the claims and counter claims of the parties involved. I came across it about six months ago and I hope it may be of some interest to you.
Mike Jones. Posted on forum 27 December 2011.

I was very interested in your posting regarding the above vessel and the subsequent findings of the court. On consulting my Disch Book, I note that I paid off the ship as 2/O on February 13th 1961 in Falmouth. Thus, you joined as I left. I would be interested to know who took over as Master, Captain George Harvey was there at the time but I believe he also took leave.
Anyway, thanks for raising an incident that I was unaware of. John Cann. Posted on forum 28 December 2011.

The report of the incident that took place in the Houston Ship Canal with the Bradford City spurred me to check up on the MAIB report and conclusions of the sinking of the MV Global Mariner.
From the report it seems that the other ship yawed into the path of the Global Mariner while she was reanchoring due to dragging. It seems that there was little the Global Mariner could do to avoid the collision.
The conclusion was that the other ship caused the collision and there was very little fault attributed to the Global Mariner.
"Down the Pit" it was quite frightening not knowing what was happening. T Graham-Russell. Posted on forum 29 December 2011.

I have been thinking over the weekend and if I remember correctly we seemed to loose quite a few Deck hands during the trip.
First to go were two A.B's from Newcastle who jumped ship in Port Lincoln Australia. Next was Another A.B called Ken who Jumped over the side one night . I remember the ship was turned around and we searched but he was never seen again. Then on the final leg back to Ireland from Australia, we paid off my cabin mate in Capetown with Appendicitis. So from Eleven Deckhands we ended up with just Seven.I Also recall that we suffered some storm damage from a Typhoon in the China sea en route to Osaka Japan. Chris Gundry. Posted on forum 30 December 2011.

Disclaimer: The statements on this page are the views of the person who posted them on the forum. The events took place many years ago and in most cases rely on those people's memories, and so we cannot guarantee the accuracy although every effort is made to check it.

Bradford City. Page [1] [2] [3] [4]
Memories from RSL staff. Page No. [1] [2]