Bradburn (2)

Comments from the forum - 1

Interesting to note the “appearance” again, of the respect band on Mark’s photo of the Bradburn on page 1. He must have served aboard several of the “salt ships” at Torrivieja, because his photos of the Paris City, Leeds City, Dallas City and Madras City, also all display it. The Paris City was aground there in 1951, so obviously it was in respect of the death of Sir Willie Reardon Smith, in November 1954. Does anyone know how long the band was up for on the fleet? Mike Jones posted on the Forum 9 January 2011.

I served as an apprentice on board the Bradburn in 1946/47. Capt. Potts was the Master and we picked up a cargo of maize in Rosario. The other
apprentices were David Pollard (Bristol),Stewart Parsons(Caerphilly)Mike Thornton.(Ogwell,Devon). David was a legend in his lifetime and I was actually there when he earned the title in Rosario in the local newspaper of "El Gaucho Inglese"and gained both popularity and notoriety over the event though at the time we thought he was likely to be lynched as a horse rustler {enough said}.
About 24 years ago ,quite by accident in Athens,I met John Spiers,a former apprentice and shipmate on board the Leeds City and he mentioned that he had joined the Bradburn on the trip after I had left to take my ticket. Wilson Cotton. posted on the Forum 10 January 2011.

My own time in the "Bradburn" was fairly short I joined in Falmouth July 18th 1951 and left her in Japan on October 5th, where she was sold to the Japanese. However, I am in contact with an ex Apprentice who sailed in the ship a while before me. He hailed from Bristol, Anthony Johansen is his name. He left Smiths on completion of his Indentures and migrated to Charles Hill (Bristol City Line). John Cann. posted on the Forum 11 January 2011.

I have a feeling that Johansen left the Bradburn on the trip just before I joined her, she had carried a cargo of wet hides from Rosario to Liverpool and I can assure you that the smell lingered for weeks. Instead of the usual Bilges the Bradburn had wells and cleaning them out after the ship was fully discharged was a stomach turning nightmare allocated to the apprentices. Wilson Cotton. posted on the Forum 11 January 2011.

In 1946, the apprentices cabin on the Bradburn was under the lower bridge.
Obviously some time later, it was moved to the after end of the boat deck, above the steering engine? Mike Thornton. posted on the Forum 24 January 2012.

Disclaimer: The statements on this page are the views of the person who posted them on the forum. The events took place many years ago and in most cases rely on those people's memories, and so we cannot guarantee the accuracy although every effort is made to check it.

Bradburn. Page [1] [2] [3]
Memories from RSL staff. Page No. [1]